Progress report: July 2021

04/08/2021 13:38
We were happily fixing one bug after another, and putting together the graphics for our Kickstarter page, but what came next, nobody expected!

So, the ceiling came down in our kitchen the other day... Don't worry, nobody was injured, but I expect there will be numerous interruptions in the coming weeks while it (and the leak that caused it) gets fixed. There, clickbait out of the way, here's where we're at with the game.

Final bugfixes for the demo

All the main content is done, so I am now mainly just bugfixing and testing the demo to bits. I have made good progress with that and I've also added some extra bits of animation here and there to make the conversations even better. A bit of blush, a bit of rolleye makes all the difference!

We're almost there people! ALMOST!

Kickstarter preparations

We have been spending a lot of time mulling over our Kickstarter strategy and what would be the best approach for pledges, add-ons and all the rest. I cannot wait to launch, but until that happens, here's a little sneak peek!

This picture is illustrating a lot of the traditional Hungarian embroidery styles and other popular decoration methods and patterns, which we use in the game. And this is still far-far away from being a complete list of all the different styles that exist in Hungarian culture!

Hopefully, in the next update I can announce that our demo is published! See you then!